Register for IndieBio NY’s Demo Day on February 12, 2025

“Fortune favors the brave.”
“A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”

I am inspired by these mottos because I believe that tenacity, guts and brainwork bring worthwhile achievement.

After completing my first master’s degree, I turned down Boeing to launch an EdTech company producing interactive multimedia courses for engineering students, which ultimately got my name on planet Mars (no kidding—ask me about it!). That company was sold, though it was far from a home run.

I headed to China after completing my MBA in search of investment opportunities and a new challenge. The experience has helped me to better understand the world’s second-biggest economy and oldest living culture. I subsequently learned to speak the language and established a base of relationships—what the Chinese call 关系, or ‘guan xi’—which have been tremendously helpful both personally and professionally.

Interestingly, I noticed while I was struggling to master their language, so were they eagerly studying English. But they are challenged by the fact that there are but a handful of native-English speaking teachers in China serving more than 300 million students. The serial entrepreneur I will always be, I was inspired to integrate technology with learning, which was how ILE was founded. At ILE we do not only teach English, but also how to use English in global business situations, especially for white-collared Chinese professionals. Our programs are customized, and taught live online.

Experience has been a great teacher, and probably has more in store for me. While I’m confident of my ability to solve problems with cutting-edge technology, it is my persistence, ability to get results and my honesty that keep me ahead in the game. As Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, never give up!”