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Breaking Out of the Agtech Echo Chamber: SOSV GP Po Bronson’s Vision
Ben Joffe
Ben Joffe

Po Bronson, General Partner at SOSV and Managing Director of IndieBio, was profiled by AgTechNavigator and shared his vision on how to break out of the Agtech echo chamber.

Bronson believes the future of agtech lies in low-capex, high-impact startups—not traditional categories. With VC deal values dropping over 25% last year, he argues that many breakthrough technologies remain overlooked because they don’t fit into “approved” investment sectors.

“I’m trying to invest […] in companies that don’t have categories yet.” – Po Bronson

He predicts there won’t be a “Google of agtech” but rather 1,000 billion-dollar companies that will be acquired instead of going public. His advice for founders: grow fast post-commercialization and leverage corporate partnerships for validation.

Bronson “likes to think beyond what the world is telling us what the solutions are, […] shock and surprise people.”

The SOSV portfolio illustrates that with numerous disruptive startups like Perfect Day, NotCo, and Upside Foods, as well as California Organic’s nitrate-free fertilizer and CeresWaves’ electrofertilizer. With $1.6B in assets under management, SOSV continues investing in off-the-radar companies reshaping the future of food and sustainability. The best opportunities, Bronson argues, are where no one else is looking.

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